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Winter Preparation

Third Party Damage due to an Auto Accident

Navigating Stormy Waters: Protecting Utilities from Auto Damages with Phoenix Loss Control

As inclement weather approaches various regions in the United States, the unfortunate reality is an anticipated surge in auto damages resulting in third party damage, affecting utility poles. The questions arise: Who bears the cost of damages to your utilities? Who covers outage fees, generator operation, materials, and the expenses for technicians and subcontractors? The people responding to, monitoring, and repairing those damages and transfers?… Read More »Navigating Stormy Waters: Protecting Utilities from Auto Damages with Phoenix Loss Control

Prepare for Unforeseen Power Outages

Winter Is Coming: How to Prepare for Unforeseen Power Outages 

As winter approaches, it’s essential to prepare for unforeseen power outages. Power Outages can occur from weather damage in a storm or when a plow comes through and takes out a power pole. Either way, it is best to take this into account and prepare so you do not find yourself in a sticky situation. Here are some tips to help you stay safe, comfortable… Read More »Winter Is Coming: How to Prepare for Unforeseen Power Outages