Call Before You Dig Merrimack

Step 1: Click Or Call Before You Dig

Submit a location request online or by phone at 811. It’s free and easy. Then, you will receive a location request number and a list of member utility companies that will be notified of your planned digging project.

Step 2: Wait & Locate

Utility companies often respond to your location request within 2 business days (not including the day of submission), or before the date/time of your intended work start. It is your responsibility to check for the status of responses. All notified utilities must respond to your location request before you can begin your work.

Step 3: Confirm Status

The colors of the markings on the ground represent the type of utility. You want to verify that the responses from the member utilities match what you see on your job site. For example, if the electric company has responded that they have marked your location, you should see red paint and/or flags in your area to designate the location of the underground line.

Step 4: Respect

Identify the “Tolerance Zone.” The Tolerance Zone is the diameter of the buried facility, plus two feet on either side of the designated center line. If the diameter is unknown, the Tolerance Zone is just two feet on each side of the designated center line. Hand expose lines within the Tolerance Zone and cross section using hand tools.

Step 5: Dig With Caution

Before you use mechanized equipment within the tolerance zone you must:

  • Verify the location, type, size, direction of run and depth of the facility.
  • For gas and liquid petroleum lines, verification must be by means of hand-dug test holes.
  • The location of other utilities must also be verified by means of hand-dug test holes unless otherwise agreed upon with the facility operator.

If you suspect that you have damaged an underground facility, stop digging and call 811, as well as the utility company. If you suspect the release of any gas or liquid as a result of the damage, evacuate the job site and call 911.

Discover guidelines for preventing damage, local points of contact, and regulations for digging safely in New Hampshire.

Dig Safe System Inc: 888-344-7233

On Behalf Of

Phoenix Loss Control is a leader in outside plant (“OSP”) damage recovery for the cable, telecoms, and utility industries. If you have damage from third parties to your cable, fiber, gas, electric, or other OSP equipment and you are having trouble recouping your costs, we are here to help you. 

For more information and list of services, visit our website: